Specifications of ACTIVI-T Software

ACTIVI-T is the ideal software for monitoring your work, your billing and tracking your accounts receivable. The many reports of ACTIVI-T will ensure a sound management of your business.

With its document management module, ACTIVI-T allows you to group and access to electronic documents related to your projects (mandats), and this with ease. The integration with MS Word and MS Outlook, makes ACTIVI-T a great tool for publishing documents and production of mailings (Email or paper).

The links below will show in summary fashion some of the features of the software ACTIVI-T.

Screen examples:

And much more…

  • Input Module in Timestamp Mode
  • Budget Monitoring
  • Multiple User and Collaborative Agenda
  • Conference Rooms (or Equipments) Booking Management
  • Large number of Reports
  • Electronic Document Management per Project (Mandat)
  • Document Publication (Invoices and Direct Mailing in MS Word format)